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Understanding Your Food Cravings & How to Satisfy Them

We've all experienced cravings for certain types of food. It's hard to resist the pull of a salty crunch, a sweet treat, or a savory snack. But why do we crave specific foods? And is there any way to satisfy these cravings without overindulging? Let's explore the science behind our most common cravings and how we can manage them. 

What Causes Food Cravings?

There are several potential causes of food cravings. Hormones, emotions, physical needs, or psychological factors such as stress or boredom may trigger them. Food cravings are often associated with certain times of the day or week, like after dinner or on weekends. This could be due to habits formed over time or changes in our daily routines.

Psychological Cravings 

We often associate food cravings with our emotions; when we're feeling stressed, lonely, or bored, a craving for comfort food can settle in. 

Nutritional Cravings 

Not all cravings are psychological; sometimes, your body needs something it isn't getting from your diet. Nutritional deficiencies can cause cravings for specific foods to replenish lost nutrients or vitamins. For example, if you have low iron levels, you may find yourself craving red meat because it is high in iron content. Similarly, if your body needs more calcium, you might find yourself dreaming about ice cream. If you regularly crave a particular type of food, it could be worth consulting with a nutritionist to check for any underlying nutritional deficiencies.  

Hormonal Cravings 

Hormones like estrogen and progesterone can also affect our relationship with food and cause us to crave certain types of food. The hormones released during menstruation, primarily responsible for PMS symptoms like bloating and cramping, can also increase appetite and cause us to crave sweets or processed carbs like chocolate and bread. 

How To Satisfy Cravings Healthier

The key to managing food cravings is understanding why and what triggers them. Once you know the cause of your craving, finding healthier ways to satisfy it will be easier. 

Here are a few tips to get you started:

• Choose nutrient-rich snacks like fruits and vegetables

• Get creative with healthy substitutes for unhealthy snacks (for example, dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate)

• Make sure you're getting enough sleep and managing stress levels, as these can play a role in triggering cravings

• Find healthy alternatives for comfort foods

• Avoid keeping unhealthy snacks around the house so they won't tempt you when you have a craving

Understanding our bodies' responses to different cravings is key to managing them without overindulging or making unhealthy decisions about what we eat. By recognizing the difference between psychological, nutritional, and hormonal triggers behind the different cravings we experience, we can learn how best to satisfy them without resorting to unhealthy habits that might negatively impact our overall health. 

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"Remember - Food As Medicine" is how I teach my clients to begin their journey in healing!

Here are a few tips from my Youtube Channel: Click Here

As promised, here is the link for the coffee and teas I use daily, Organo

and why I choose Organo Coffee/Teas/Hot Chocolate/Latte

Join the Aging Well for Longevity Community; many new things will enlighten your new year with healthy ideas to stay well. Topics include; Quick and Easy Destress Techniques You Can Do Anywhere; Eating Clean Made Simple: Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle; Wellness at Work: Simple Strategies for a More Productive and Balanced Day; Boosting Your Metabolism Naturally: Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier You. You will also have the experience of learning informative wellness information and discussions, including body, mind, and spirit, to ensure you and your family have a healthy life.

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