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How to do a Wellness Reset

Sometimes, all we need is a fresh start. Whether it's the new year, new month, or new week, it's never too early or too late to reset your habits and start building new ones. Here are some ways to reset your wellness habits and start improving your wellbeing from every aspect.

Social Wellness

After the past year, having a social life seems like an imaginary concept. Now that life is getting back to normal; it's time to start rebuilding some of those social habits, whether it's through a video call or a safe in-person get-together. Check up on your family and friends, call them, and ask how they're doing. Make a habit of reaching out to them regularly. It will not only help your relationships, but it will also improve your mental wellbeing. Set aside some time in your calendar so that you don't forget.


One of the best ways to improve your intellectual wellness is to read more books. Read books about your hobbies, how-to books, fictional books, non-fiction books— whatever you enjoy. Make a habit of reading for at least 5-10 minutes each day. Set aside the time, whether it's before bed, on public transportation, or during your lunch break, and get those readings done. Books will teach you new things, help you discover new hobbies, and improve your creativity and imagination.


Physical wellness habits are every day, but not all of them focus on your wellbeing. It's easy to get swept away in the diet mindset, but try something different this time. Instead of making a goal to lose 'X' amount of weight, focus on taking care of your body. Move your body daily, even if it's a short walk around the block. Eat healthy whole foods such as vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Everything flows much easier that way! Whatever your physical goals may be, make sure you put your health first and don't be hard on yourself.


Emotional wellness can be a problematic aspect to work on because it requires a lot of self-reflection. You don't need to be cheery and optimistic all the time— emotional wellness means that you know how to understand, process, and work through your emotions, bad and good. Try journaling every day to write down how you're feeling and where those emotions came from. Over time, you will communicate these emotions more clearly and work through them instead of suppressing them.


You don't need to have any religious or spiritual beliefs to tend to your spiritual wellness. Spiritual wellness is all about creating deeper connections with the earth, with yourself, or with a higher power that you believe in. Meditation is a proven way to decrease stress, increase mindfulness and gratefulness, and have many other wellness benefits. Start with a few minutes each day, and build it up once you feel comfortable.


Work can either be a passion and joy or unsatisfying and unfulfilling. Spoiler alert— it should be the former. Whether you make more time for other aspects of your life by improving your work/life balance or find a side passion project that fulfills you, try to improve your occupational wellbeing somehow.


It's not always easy or possible to control our environment, but try your best to situate yourself in an uplifting and inspiring place. This includes not only the physical place but also the people in it. If you are in a negative environment, try to get outside and in nature at least once a day. Nature is always grounding and will help you clear your mind.

Taking stock of every aspect of your life can help you see some imbalances, notice what needs some focus, and will help you consistently lead a well-balanced life.

If you suspect that you need additional support, my team of experts will resolve any underlying health issues and maximize your lifespan using a personalized system. Your goals will be my goals as we walk through your journey together towards healthy optimization. So, what are you waiting for - Summer is around the corner,

Schedule a call today; you will not regret feeling better in the future.

For additional information: Join the Learning to Live a Vibrant Life Thrive Group; many new things will happen this month. This group's topics for October will include Hydration Hacks, How to Drink More Water, Organic vs. Conventional Foods, Stress-free Meal Planning Ideas, and tips for Eating More Sustainably. You will also have the experience of learning informative wellness information and discussions, including body, mind, and spirit, to improve your vitality of life and your families.

Just click on the picture below, and you will be on your way to better vitality.

This month's healthy food video recipe: Southwest Stuffed Sweet Potato

BeWell Superfood Greens - With all types of viruses moving in - make sure you have plenty of greens in your diet. 30 servings

Fruits and vegetables are essential foods to include in your daily meal planning. When you find it challenging to consume these foods regularly, a nutrition supplement can help increase your intake. One scoop of this versatile, vegan superfood powder delivers a blend of 36 fruits and vegetables in each serving to boost greens. Featuring prebiotic fiber and phytonutrients and natural, deep-green color courtesy of Blue-Green Algae derived from Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheatgrass, and Barley Grass, this vegan nutrition supplement provides the benefits of eating the full-color spectrum of fruits and vegetables. Sweetened naturally with cane sugar and stevia, our superfood powder can be added to water, juice, or a smoothie, making it easy to get the greens your body needs. Formulated without artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners; formulated without high fructose corn syrup, dairy or soy. Formulated without gluten.

◊The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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